How an Ozone Generator Works:

An ozone generator works by producing ozone gas, which is a powerful oxidizing agent, for water treatment purposes. Ozone (O3) is a molecule composed of three oxygen atoms, and it is highly reactive. In water treatment, ozone is used to disinfect and oxidize organic and inorganic contaminants present in the water.

Here’s a simplified explanation of how an ozone generator works for water treatment:

Ozone Generation: The ozone generator creates ozone gas by passing oxygen (O2) through a high-voltage electrical discharge or ultraviolet (UV) light. The process of creating ozone involves splitting the oxygen molecules (O2) into individual oxygen atoms, which then combine with other oxygen molecules to form ozone (O3).

Injection into Water: The ozone gas is then injected into the water that needs to be treated. This can be done through various methods such as bubbling ozone gas directly into the water or using a venturi injector to draw ozone gas into the water flow.

Oxidation and Disinfection: Once introduced into the water, ozone molecules react with organic and inorganic compounds, as well as microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and algae. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent, meaning it readily gives up one of its oxygen atoms to oxidize other substances. This oxidation process breaks down and destroys contaminants, effectively disinfecting the water.

Decomposition: After ozone has reacted with contaminants in the water, it naturally decomposes back into oxygen (O2) through a process called ozone decay. The remaining oxygen is typically harmless and may even help improve the oxygen content of the treated water.

Monitoring and Control: Ozone treatment systems often include monitoring and control mechanisms to ensure that the desired level of ozone is maintained in the water and to prevent overexposure, as excessive ozone concentrations can be harmful.

Overall, ozone generators provide an efficient and environmentally friendly method for water treatment, offering advantages such as rapid disinfection, minimal chemical residue, and the ability to target a wide range of contaminants. However, proper design, operation, and maintenance are essential to ensure the effectiveness and safety of ozone treatment systems.


4 Main Parts of a Corona Discharge Ozone Generator:

The four major components inside an ozone generator include:

(1) Transformer

(2) High voltage or high frequency electrode

(3) Insulating material

(4) Low voltage (ground) electrode

Ozone is usually measured in parts per million (PPM), grams per hour (gpm) or weight percent. The range of applied concentrations ranges from 1 to 5 weight percent in air and from 6 to 14 weight percent in oxygen. Temperature and humidity play a large role in how much ozone is being produced. Any ozone generator will produce less than 50% its nominal capacity if operated with humid air rather than very dry air.