Want floating fish and no fishy smell? Try ozone on your aquarium.
No two aquariums are exactly the same due to their micro flora and fauna, but every aquarist strives for crystal clear water to make the fish float, corals pop, and remove that fishy (ocean) smell.
How we achieve these results also vary considerably depending on the types of filtration methods incorporated, tank husbandry practices, and the species of fish/livestock kept in an aquarium. Often the best results come from incorporating a variety of proven mechanical and biological methods. We don’t often think of ozone and UV as a filtration method but when paired with other filtration methods it supercharges the tanks’ ability to achieve clean and clearer water.

So, what is ozone and how do I know it is working? Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent that oxidizes the organic compounds that create yellowing in the water making the water appear clearer. The oxidization also helps to break down the toxins (chemical warfare) corals use to protect themselves from other invading corals. Lastly, and most appreciated by our significant others, the use of ozone destructs those unpleasant odors in the water and around protein skimmers.
Let me give you an analogy to help you visualize this:
Pre-ozone oxidization, those yellowing particulates in the water column are like the size of a basketball. Post-ozone oxidization those basketballs are now the size of a 100 golf balls. There are two main ways they are effectively removed from the water column (1) adjusting the protein skimmer to pull out slightly more skimmate from the water, and (2) reducing the micron size of your filter roller or mesh socks to 50 micron. The smaller micron size will enable the filter roller or mesh sock to capture those smaller particulates resulting in a higher ORP. (NOTE. There are several organic and non-organic variables that can/do impact ORP. If you are using ozone and don’t see the ORP going up, there are several other factors that could be contributing to this.)
Here’s a quick recap of the benefits of adding an ozone solution to an aquarium:
Improves Water Quality “Floating fish effect”
Ozone can significantly improve water clarity by oxidizing organic compounds and inorganic compounds that help create clearer and cleaner water.
Reduces Disease Outbreaks
As an oxidizer, ozone can destroy (denature) many harmful pathogens, parasites, and bacteria. This is further amplified if ozone and UV is incorporated into the same system. The Oxidization Effect of ozone is particularly beneficial to those with sensitive or valuable species for fish.
Sustainable and Consistent Solution
Unlike granular activated carbon (GAC) that tends to clog in a matter of days, the use of ozone will consistently provide clear water 365 days a year making it a better long-term investment – not to mention a lot easier to maintain.
Reduced Fishy Odor Smell
Many reefers who use ozone systems for their tanks quickly notice a dramatic reduction in odor coming from the reef tank/skimmers. Oxidation helps to eliminate or significantly reduce the foul smells associated with decaying organic matter in the aquarium.
No Tank to Big/too Small for Ozone
Regardless of your aquariums size, an Ozotech ozone solution is possible. The Poseidon 200 has a variable output offering flexibility to grow with you as your tank size increases.
There are many advantages to the use of an ozone system, however safeguards do need to be implemented before adding ozone onto a reef tank.
Building out an Ozone Ecosystem
Implementing an ozone ecosystem requires specific equipment from air preparation, ozone generation, ozone reaction, and abetment.
- Air preparation the use of an air dryer will significantly increase the effectiveness of your ozone generator. See the DI 2.0, IQ20 and IQ40 .
- Flowmeter to ensure the right amount of air is passing through the Ozone generator.
- Ozone generation Ozotech Poseidon 200 Ozone Ozotech Poseidon 400
- Ozone reaction such as an ozone reactor (Avast Marine Mutiny 2.1 or Geo Ozone reactor) or ozone resistant protein skimmer
- Aquarium controller w/ORP probe to ensure the right amount of ozone is being added to the tank

Upkeep and Maintenance
An ozone ecosystem does require regular upkeep to ensure their effectiveness and longevity. Regular monitoring and maintenance are necessary to prevent any malfunction or breakdown. We recommend servicing the Corona Discharge (CD) cell every 3 months and replacing annually.
Proper Use and Monitoring
Adequate safety measures, such as proper ozone off-gassing and monitoring, should be in place to ensure the well-being of all living beings. It is recommended to use an ozone generator with a reliable control system and monitoring equipment to ensure the ozone levels remain within safe and effective ranges.
Ozone’s Oxidizing Potential
While ozone is effective in breaking down organic compounds, it can also oxidize beneficial bacteria in a reef tank. Therefore, it’s important to monitor your reef and adjust as needed to reach a balance of ozone and beneficial bacteria.
Ozone Demand
The effectiveness of ozone depends on various factors, including the organic bio-load and ozone demand. High organic loads may require a larger ozone system, which can increase the initial setup and operational costs.
Now that you have an overview on the benefits and precautions to ozone we hope you’ll continue to do your homework to determine when is the right time to add ozone onto your tank.
For more information on Ozotech and our aquatic products, browse our website or contact us for assistance.